Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Gabby's Sealing Day!

October EFHE at Hollie and Jeremy's House!

That's about how I look up to Hollie's counter...only I'm not kneeling down like Stef is! lol
Frosting Cookies!

Picture Protrayal of how little I feel in Hollie's house with all you "tallians"...I'm like a little baby! ha ha

Jeremy taught a lesson on how "small things bring about that which is great." It's the little things we do every day that determines who we really are - and who we really follow. We need to remember that as we go about our daily lives!

Thursday, October 21, 2010


Was Up early doing some young women stuff on the computer and saw this "invite" from over a month ago - (sorry heidi - you are so amazing to get this going) I am just so slow on doing whatever needs to be done - I can say I WANT to be organized with this - I WANT everyone to see my smiling face on the computer I WANT everyone to be able to read about our life - I just need to make myself get up and do it - so with that said - I signed in and clicked and typed and clicked again and here I am - I do hope that this message gets to where it needs to be and that it is not lost in cyber space somewhere after I push go or save or...there it is ...publish. Hey we love you - we love our family - I love looking at faces and the growth of this amazing family - Update - Chris and Scarlet & Baby Gray are here end of Dec - I am actually flying down on 12/10 to help drive them here - we are doing a stop over in Denver so it will be fun to see Nan and James and the gang - Cal and Kyle will be crusing for Christmas and then we will see them Christmas Day - Not sure about Thanksgiving as they may be partying in Mexico (little world travelers :)...) Austin is quickly approaching mission paper prep time and working with me at PMI - Breezy will be headed north the 18th of Dec - she is coming up to check out a couple of Utah campuses - (we are hopeful for that beautiful campus nestled at the base of a letter Y) we will get to have her for 5 funfilled days and show her the sites - Lish is doign amazing in school - she is committed to her straight A goal she set this summer - right now she sits will only 2 A- and the rest A's - Mason and Hayden are amazing as always - Mason is playing Lacross (I know that is not how it's spelled???) and Hayden is playing football - both just trying to figure out life and keep grades up as well. As for me and Dave - well we just love watching our sweet family grow - (NO that was not a cloak and dagger attempt to say there are any babies in the future) but we just love being with them - and with you all when we get the chance- Gotta run - Lish is headed out the door and we need to pray! Love Jen