Thursday, October 21, 2010


Was Up early doing some young women stuff on the computer and saw this "invite" from over a month ago - (sorry heidi - you are so amazing to get this going) I am just so slow on doing whatever needs to be done - I can say I WANT to be organized with this - I WANT everyone to see my smiling face on the computer I WANT everyone to be able to read about our life - I just need to make myself get up and do it - so with that said - I signed in and clicked and typed and clicked again and here I am - I do hope that this message gets to where it needs to be and that it is not lost in cyber space somewhere after I push go or save or...there it is ...publish. Hey we love you - we love our family - I love looking at faces and the growth of this amazing family - Update - Chris and Scarlet & Baby Gray are here end of Dec - I am actually flying down on 12/10 to help drive them here - we are doing a stop over in Denver so it will be fun to see Nan and James and the gang - Cal and Kyle will be crusing for Christmas and then we will see them Christmas Day - Not sure about Thanksgiving as they may be partying in Mexico (little world travelers :)...) Austin is quickly approaching mission paper prep time and working with me at PMI - Breezy will be headed north the 18th of Dec - she is coming up to check out a couple of Utah campuses - (we are hopeful for that beautiful campus nestled at the base of a letter Y) we will get to have her for 5 funfilled days and show her the sites - Lish is doign amazing in school - she is committed to her straight A goal she set this summer - right now she sits will only 2 A- and the rest A's - Mason and Hayden are amazing as always - Mason is playing Lacross (I know that is not how it's spelled???) and Hayden is playing football - both just trying to figure out life and keep grades up as well. As for me and Dave - well we just love watching our sweet family grow - (NO that was not a cloak and dagger attempt to say there are any babies in the future) but we just love being with them - and with you all when we get the chance- Gotta run - Lish is headed out the door and we need to pray! Love Jen

1 comment:

  1. Great Job Jenni! YAY! Your post turned out awesome! Now I just need everyone to respond to the request for our google group email and we will recieve the email alerts when someone posts! :)
